Capacity Management – Friday 6th October 2023

Date: Friday 6th October 2023

Time: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Area: Fond Cole Industrial Area, Ravine Cocque, Griffin Lane, Goodwill Road (from Woodbridge Bay to the entrance of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Lower Stockfarm Road, Tarish Pit, Gutter Village, Didier Lane, Leblanc Lane, Rawles Lane, Felix Lane, Watty’s Lane, Bower’s Lane, Benjamin’s Lane, Jolly’s Lane, Charles Avenue, McIntyre Lane (including the DCFH).

Reason: To allow DOMLEC to manage the available capacity.


Please note that the areas and times may be subjected to change. DOMLEC regrets any inconvenience which may be caused.

The event is finished.