Capacity Management – Friday 6th October 2023

Date: Friday 6th October 2023

Time: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

Area: Castle Comfort, Wallhouse, Beau Bois, Badineau, Lahaut  Loubiere, Snug Corner, Bellevue Chopin, Morne Lofty, Pichelin, Pointe Michel, Anse Soufriere, Soufriere Sulfur Spring, Brooklyn, Gallion, Scotts Head, Ravine Bananne, Grand Coulibrie, Powell, Montin, Tete Morne, Geneva Housing Scheme, Berrekua, Grand Bay, Maranatha Square, Hagley, Stowe, Pointe Carib, Fond St. Jean, Bagatelle and Fabre.

Reason: To allow DOMLEC to manage the available capacity.


Please note that the areas and times may be subjected to change. DOMLEC regrets any inconvenience which may be caused.

The event is finished.