Planned Power Interruption Notice

Date:   Thursday 20th May, 2021

Time:  9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Area: Castle Comfort, Wall House, Beau Bois, Badineau, Lahaut, Loubiere, Snug Corner, Bellevue Chopin, Morne Lofty, Pichelin, Soufriere, Soufriere Sulphur Spring, Brooklyn, Gallion, Scotts Head, Ravine Bananne, Grand Coulibrie, Powell, Montin, Tete Morne, Geneva Housing Scheme, Berrekua, Grand Bay, Maranatha Square, Hagley, Stowe, Pointe Carib, Fond St. Jean, Bagatelle and Fabre

Reason: To allow DOMLEC to to undertake vegetation management and high voltage line upgrade at Wall House and Castle Comfort.

The event is finished.